Make buying your products a no-brainer.

Luxury, minimal packaging design for a vegan nail serum brand in the beauty industry. The logo has a purple, serif font and a high-end brand icon showing indowestern roots of the brand.

The Way You Look Matters. Period.

We can blame it on short attention spans and instant gratification, but how you present your business, your products, and even yourself has always mattered. It only takes a quick glance and a few seconds for your potential buyers to make a decision about your brand. Make them count.

Luxury branding ensures that you:

✔️ Stand out from your competition.

✔️ Make your paid ads worth their weight in sales.

✔️ Convert your first-time customers to loyal buyers.

✔️ Inspire raving five-star reviews & community engagement.

✔️ Create a fan club that can't keep you out of their mouths or off their socials.

Look the part, win the sale.

What’s Included:

✔️ Kick-off Strategy Call

✔️ Strategic Creative Direction

✔️ 3 Logo Variations

✔️ Color Palette

✔️ Font Suite

✔️ Brand Guidelines PDF

✔️ 2 rounds of complimentary edits

  • Timeline: 2-3 weeks

    Investment starts at $3,500

    • Packaging Design

    • Brand Voice & Messaging Guide

    • Social media graphics

Here’s What to Expect:

01. Onboarding

After you fill out the contact form, you’ll be able to book a discovery call where we’ll discuss the scope of your project, timeline, and pricing. I’ll then send you a proposal to review. Once approved, you’ll recieve a contract and invoice for your project deposit.

02. Kick-off Strategy Call

After you sign your contract + pay your first installment, I'll send you a link where you can join your project portal and schedule a strategy kick-off call. This research phase is crucial to the success of the project. We'll discuss your target audience, competitor landscape, brand traits, positioning, and visual inspiration.

03. Design + Revisions

I will begin your 2 brand design concepts and send them to you for review by the end of the week. This process will start by reviewing 2 mood boards. Then I will dive into typography, color, and your font suite. During the second week of the project, you can provide feedback on the design concepts. Two rounds of revisions are included so we can fine tune your brand's look.

04. Final Approval + Files

Once your brand design has been refined, I will ask for your final approval. After approving the designed logos, color palette, and font suite, I will export all of the final files and send them to you in an organized folder. 

05. Brand Guide

At the end of the project, I’ll put everything together in an easy-to-use guide on how to use your brand consistently, and intentionally. This serves as a great tool to pass on to your marketing team to make sure your brand continues to be represented in a cohesive way. 


Hear what Marina, founder of Trust Your Gut, had to say about working with WildHive.

“Whitney, your WORK is OUTSTANDING!!!!!! Seriously First Class Work!!! It's all coming together! WOO HOO!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!”

- Marina, Founder of Trust Your Gut


See the Transformations

Aerthen Skincare

Rock Creek Crates

Belsis Jewelry

What if your luxury branding worked around the clock so you didn’t have to?

You're a busy founder with a to-do list that grows faster than you can cross things off. *cue the existential dread* When you hire me to take this BIG to-do off your list, you’ll find that tasks like social media marketing and sales start to cross themselves off, much faster. Luxury branding brings clarity to your business so you can work smarter, not harder, and effortlessly show up with scroll-stopping good looks. If you’re not showing up with confidence, it’s time we talked.


Packaging Design